Modern concept of Gene “ The terms “muton,” “cistron,” and “recon” were proposed by the American geneticist S. Benzer in 1957 to describe a definite gene function.” CISTRON - A segment of DNA that is involved in producing a polypeptide chain; it can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns between the exons. It is considered a unit of heredity; "genes were formerly called factors". It is the smallest unit functioning as a transmitter of genetic information. In modern molecular genetics the cistron is essentially synonymous with the gene. It can include regions preceding and following the coding DNA as well as introns. A DNA segment corresponding to one polypeptide chain plus the start-and-stop codon. The smallest unit of genetic material that must be intact to function as a transmitter of genetic information; as traditionaly construed, approximately synonymous wi...
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